Our Prime Retarder is a premium quality water based chemical retarder that is used to expose the aggregate in concrete surfaces. It is applied by a pressure spray unit after the concrete has been Fresno trowelled, edged and hand trowel finished and as soon as any free-bleed water has dried. It does not stop the set of the main concrete. The retarded mortar paste (top 3 - 5mm) is easily removed by high pressure water spraying and brushing within 12 to 24 hours (subject to weather conditions) after it has been sprayed onto the aggregate concrete surface. The product, when applied properly, saves labour, time and delivers a sensational result every pour. It’s easy-to-see fluoro green colour ensures even coverage and reduces missed areas.
*Coverage is approximately 80 to 100 m2 in most applications, however trials should always be carried out to determine the appropriate application rate for each job.